Thursday, October 14, 2010

The ECHO Experience

As my sophomore year came to a close, I was faced with the realization that next fall, I would be a junior. This meant harder classes, college preparation, and generally more responsibility. Suddenly, my parents were not reminding me to do everything anymore. I had to take the initiative. I was nervous. I was not sure I could handle the responsibility of growing up.

But this summer, I had an experience that changed my view of responsibility. I took a two-week trip to Florida with thirteen other high school students to work at an agricultural farm called ECHO- Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization. Here, interns are trained to grow crops in different soils. Then, they take this skill with them to hungry people in the world and impart this knowledge to them. We were simply there to assist their work. I was eager to be a part of such an amazing ministry, yet just as I feared responsibility, I feared that I would not be able to handle the harsh conditions and physical labor. Little did I know how much God would use this ECHO experience to change my life.

Certainly I learned much about hard work at ECHO. Yet what struck me the most- between the sun's blazing heat and the sore muscles- was that I am not alone in this process of growing up. This was my first trip where I had no family members or close friends with me. When the day's work was exhausting and I found myself overwhelmed by the dynamics of relationships with those around me, I had no family or older friends to talk to about it. For the first time in my life, I knew that going to God was my only option. I knew I was totally dependent on Him. As I learned to take each struggle and burden to Him, I found a peace that I had never known before. Each time I ran to Him, confused, tired, and guilty over sin, I found compassion. I realized that He wanted me to come to Him; He wanted to give me rest.

This ECHO experience made me see that He is with me as I take on more responsibility. I realized that growing up is not about standing on your own two feet, being independent, or having all the answers. No, growing up in Christ is about becoming more and more dependent on Christ. I have seen my weakness and insufficiency greatly this summer. Yet I have also seen that His grace is sufficient for my life, for He is with me always.


Well, this is rather late. =P Still catching up with my summer... but here's some pictures of some of my highlights!

The work! (Potting bamboo plants here)

The Breakfast Line


Machetes! =D (Beware...)


Our amazing team.